Recent research has led to the development of a clinical diagnostic tool to help distinguish familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS) from other causes of sHTG
Diagnostic delays and lack of awareness about FCS increase the burden of disease on patients.12,14
As many as 65-80% of people with FCS will experience at least one episode of acute pancreatitis.14,30 Acute pancreatitis can have a mortality rate of 5-6% in uncomplicated cases, and as high as 30% when accompanied by complications.12
Adding further complexity, FCS is an uncommon form of sHTG that can be difficult to distinguish from multifactorial chylomicronemia syndrome (MCS), also known as polygenic chylomicronemia. An expert consensus panel developed a scoring system to help differentiate FCS from MCS based on clinical and laboratory features.14
FCS can be recognized by its clinical and laboratory features, though genetic testing is recommended to help support a diagnosis.21,43